Sports Injuries - Active Health and Restoration
Alex Earl Health Tips

"Almost Daily Health Tips From Chiropractic Physician Alex Earl..."

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6 Epic Myths about ACL Injuries in Soccer

6 Epic Myths about ACL Injuries in Soccer

6 Myths for ACL Injuries in Soccer By Alex Earl, DC DACRB DNSP In the bustling landscape of outpatient physical therapy clinics and chiropractic offices across America, a concerning trend has emerged in the treatment of Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) injuries – especially ACL injuries in soccer. Despite advancements in medical technology and rehabilitation techniques,Continue Reading »

3 Ways Soccer Players Recover from Hamstring Strains

3 Ways Soccer Players Recover from Hamstring Strains

Hamstring injuries are extremely common in elite soccer. In fact, it is estimated that 11-16% of all soccer-related injuries (in elite levels) are due to hamstring issues (1). By far, the most common presentation we see in our chiropractic and physical medicine clinic in Carol Stream, Illinois is incomplete rehabilitation of a hamstring injury. Many, manyContinue Reading »

Forget the R.I.C.E Method: Part 3 of 3

Forget the R.I.C.E Method: Part 3 of 3

In the first two articles in this series, I highlighted the pitfalls and myths surrounding soft tissue injuries and recovery. It turns out, soft tissue injuries need PEACE AND LOVE not RICE! Recently, the British Journal of Medicine (BJM) published an article highlighting the positive recovery effects of these two new acronyms – PEACE and LOVE.Continue Reading »

Forget the R.I.C.E Method: Part 1 of 3

Forget the R.I.C.E Method: Part 1 of 3

Back in 1978, Dr. Gabe Mirkin created the protocol of R.I.C.E for the management of soft-tissue injuries. This became the “gospel” for the next several decades, as coaches, athletic trainers and clinicians all found themselves reciting this quip to patients in order to help aide in the recovery process. Except, it doesn’t… So much so that theContinue Reading »

What Causes Shin Splints? (Part 3 of 4)

What Causes Shin Splints? (Part 3 of 4)

Dr. Alex Earl, DC shares insights and simple strategies to help competitive and everyday athletes like you deal with shin splint pain in the Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Carol Stream & Winfield area. “OUTPUT IS SECONDARY TO INPUT. WHAT WE PUT INTO OUR BODY MATTERS MORE THAN WHAT WE DO TO OUR BODY” The Best KeptContinue Reading »

What Causes Shin Splints? (Part 2 of 4)

What Causes Shin Splints? (Part 2 of 4)

Dr. Alex Earl, DC shares insights and simple strategies to help competitive and everyday runners like you deal with shin splint pain in the Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Carol Stream & Winfield area. “MOST OVER-USE INJURIES OCCUR FROM DOING TOO MUCH, TOO SOON AFTER DOING TOO LITTLE FOR TOO LONG” The 2 Vital Features of OveruseContinue Reading »

What Causes Shin Splints? (Part 1 of 4)

What Causes Shin Splints? (Part 1 of 4)

Dr. Alex Earl, DC shares insights and simple strategies to help competitive and everyday runners like you deal with shin splint pain in the Wheaton, Glen Ellyn, Carol Stream & Winfield area. Every Spring, for the past four years, runners from local high schools and competitive runners training for a race come to our officeContinue Reading »

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