Workshops - Active Health and Restoration


Would You Like to Attend One of Our Health Education Workshops or On Demand Webinars?...

Alex Earl Stanford Teaching
Alex Earl Workshop

Do you ever wish you could find out more about what’s going on with your back, neck/shoulder or knee pain before you commit to any treatment?

Alex Earl Workshop

Do you ever wish you knew more about the WHY- why it happened or is happening to me, WHY it returns and most importantly learn valuable information and discover things you can do about it? If so, our educational workshops are for you.

We cover a wide variety of issues from back pain to knee pain, to core elements of daily aches and pains to combating sports injuries. We have guest speakers with specialties in their area including yoga, acupuncture, nutritionists, and others we trust local in the Chicagoland area.

If you would like to attend our next Educational Workshop that is held at Active Health & Restoration in Carol Stream or to take advantage of an On Demand Webinar, please click the button below and fill out the short form so we can let you know the time and date of our next event, and make sure your seat is saved. *Please note, space is extremely limited to provide as much VALUE to each participant.

Also, please tell us what type of event you would like to attend based up on the primary source of your pain/ interest.

If you know of anyone who is suffering or who would like to know more, we also extend our invite and would love to see them come along so that they too can gain some clarity and direction to making a better more informed decision about their health.

Check Out What One Of Our Past Workshop Attendees Recently Told Us:

I’ve always considered myself a healthy person, but I wanted to attend simply to learn more from you. I feel like there is an abundance of information out in the world, but I wasn’t sure what was right for me. Now, I know. Thanks to your workshop. You gave me the specific guidance I was looking for.”


Naperville, IL

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