Back Pain - Active Health and Restoration
Alex Earl Health Tips

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Title: 3 Q’s about CrossFit + Low Back Pain

Title: 3 Q’s about CrossFit + Low Back Pain

Since High Intensity Functional Training (HIFT) is relatively new, I thought it would be helpful to share my thoughts on this type of training. If you are unfamiliar with this term, perhaps you’ve heard of CrossFit – which is, by and large, the most popular form of HIFT. CrossFitters and non-CrossFitters alike have inspired theContinue Reading »

Revealed: What actually happens when you get your back cracked (and why it feels SO good)

Revealed: What actually happens when you get your back cracked (and why it feels SO good)

Is it OK to get your back cracked? Dr. Alex Earl explains all you need to know. There is something satisfying about hearing the sound of the spine “popping”. As a chiropractic physician, I was taught how specifically we can get with our treatments to best help serve the needs of our patients. But withoutContinue Reading »

Do Discs “Slip”?

Do Discs “Slip”?

While taking new patients medical history, we frequently hear a phrase in our Carol Stream clinic: “I’ve had a bad back ever since I slipped a disc.” This is really an interesting way of communicating a complex system of the body. While providers typically don’t always agree with how patients and society word or phraseContinue Reading »

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